How many days should I work out?
3-4 days per week.
How many rest days should I have per week?
This differs for each individual, but typically 2 rest days are needed for active recovery.
Do strength exercises burn fat?
Yes. Strength exercises can actually cause you to burn as much fat, or more, than cardio leading to better overall health.
How long does it take to build strength?
It can take 3 to 4 weeks to see a visible change. You will see some real results after 12 weeks, but it all depends on your goals.
How does HIIT training benefit me?
HIIT (High Intensity Hit Training) triggers higher levels of excess post-oxygen consumption, which is the after burn effect that keeps burning calories for hours after you finish the workout.
Which is better, Tabata or HIIT?
Tabata is like HIIT, but at shorter high intensity intervals. They are both good for you.
Is it good to workout before bed?
You can exercise in the evening as long as you avoid vigorous activity for at least one hour before bedtime.
Can I tone up in 30 days?
As long as you eat right, and exercise to reach your goals, you can see results in 30 days.
What if I have never worked out before? Is this right for me?
Yes, our exercises can be modified as needed for each person in order to optimize results.